My Diaries
Since the last time I was on here, our world has entirely changed in ways I never would have imagined. It’s crazy to think back on how different life was just a couple of months ago. I never in a million years thought we would be where we are today, but here we are. Learning how to cope with a global pandemic. Living our lives different than we ever thought we would be. Missing normal life. Missing being together.
Hi again!! It’s me, coming at you with one of my all time favorite topics, and one that used to stress me out and intimidate me to no end. Having a good quiet time routine. The reason this topic used to stress me out is because I felt like there was all this weird pressure around having a quiet time. Like if I didn’t have it, or I didn’t have it right, if it wasn’t in the morning, or if I missed a day or a few days I wasn’t walking with Jesus and I was failing as a Christian.
I used to be the person who rolled out of bed 30-45 minutes before I had to leave the house, threw some makeup on, grabbed whatever food I could find, and ran out the door pretty much always 6-7 minutes late to wherever I was going. I know. It’s sad. But oh so much has changed since then. I started realizing, that with rushed and crazy mornings like that, I was starting my day already anxious and exhausted.
Ok, honestly hour. You guys know I’m big on transparency over here so here we go. This week I had my first ever real deal Instagram hater. I’ve had weird spam accounts and nasty comments before, but this was just a regular person who had a real problem with me and my page. And here’s the deal, I always thought that when I got my first hater I wouldn’t care, I’d brush it off and move on because I do have pretty thick skin and I’m pretty strong. But the messages came at the worst possible time.
As you all know I’ve had a life-long struggle with anxiety. I mean for as long as I can remember. Growing up I remember thinking that I had to be the only one in the world who was feeling the way I was feeling. I felt like my world had the potential to come crashing down at any minute and it was scary. I didn’t understand it. And I wanted so badly to get away from it.
It has been such an incredible little journey of documenting the days and really choosing to focus on what God is speaking and showing us every single day. It has really challenged me to not just go through the motions but to allow Him to use all the ordinary parts of the day to shape me into who He wants me to be. And my hope is that the entries are relatable and encourage you to see Jesus in your every day as well.
As we get back to it I want a couple of things to change. First of all, that verse at the top underneath my picture, 1 Corinthians 16:13 is going to be our new blog verse. It has always been one of my favorite verses and one of the many that has encouraged my heart the most. And now I think it’s the perfect verse to represent our little community, a group of girls who are brave, strong, and most of all loving, who stand fast in their faith no matter what. So, definitely expect to see it a lot more.
In my opinion, one of the biggest lies that keep people from beginning a walk with Jesus is that they are somehow not good enough for Him, or have done too much to be loved by Him. And honestly, I could not be more passionate about this topic. I think it is vitally important to understand that the love of Jesus and the power of His sacrifice on the cross are so much bigger than anything we could ever do on this earth.
Ok, at this point you all know how much I love to talk about acne and skincare, I have told you a little bit of my story and my journey with cystic acne and I want to share all of the things I’ve learned with you.
Today is Good Friday. Today is the day that we focus on the crucifixion of Jesus. The day He chose, of His own will, to lay His life down in the most brutal way possible. The day He gave His very breath, His blood, and His most precious connection to His Father away for the sole purpose of loving and choosing eternity with us. It’s truly mind blowing, and every year I am challenged to try and comprehend what it is that He did for us on this day. The truth is, I will never be able to comprehend it. But, I can live every day in the freedom and love it has given me, and I can spend this day remembering why I live my life with hope and life and love.