Establishing a Healthy Morning Routine

Establishing a Healthy Morning Routine

Establishing a Healthy Morning Routine

Hellooooo and good morning my beautiful friends!!! If you’ve been following along with my Instagram stories you’ve been seeing a whole lot of my morning routine lately, and that’s because I’ve become super passionate about STARTING the day strong.

I used to be the person who rolled out of bed 30-45 minutes before I had to leave the house, threw some makeup on, grabbed whatever food I could find, and ran out the door pretty much always 6-7 minutes late to wherever I was going. I know. It’s sad. But oh so much has changed since then. I started realizing, that with rushed and crazy mornings like that, I was starting my day already anxious and exhausted. And, with working full time and running the diaries, I wasn’t taking any time to prioritize my mental or physical health. The only time I have for those things is in the morning and I had to learn how to make them happen every single day no matter what. So, I established an early morning routine that has allowed me to take care of my mental, heart, and physical health. I have a full devotional and quiet time that isn’t rushed, I get out to exercise whether that be a walk or a workout at the gym, and then I have time to get ready and head out the door with a healthy breakfast and nutritious lunch.

I know it sounds like a lot, but I’m here as living proof that it is possible. And I can tell you that leaving the house in the morning after taking the time to seek God and focus my heart on Him and then move my body and actually accomplish something before my day even begins is the best lifestyle change I have ever made. It sets me up immediately to have a positive outlook on the day because by the time I get to work, I’ve already had an amazing day, my heart is at peace from my time with Jesus, and my endorphins are pumping from my time at the gym.

Don’t let this morning routine intimidate you. I used to hear about people doing this and think “that must be real nice for you, but this girl is just not made for that.” And boy was I wrong. I’m going to give you all the tips and tricks I use to be successful in my early morning routine.

  1. I started out slow. I didn’t wake up one morning at 5am and smash out a perfect morning routine from then on out. I started with 6am, with 20 minute at home workouts, with a less nutritious breakfast, and often a skipped shower. I made small changes over a long period of time so that the habits would stick and so that my body would have time to adjust to its new routine. And by doing it that way it never was torture. It wasn’t a horrible adjustment. It was smooth and transitioned nicely. The thing about mornings like this is that once you get used to them you never want to go back and you keep wanting to improve them. So it doesn’t hurt to take baby steps.

  2. I do my prep work the night before. Pack my lunch and my snacks, fill my water bottle, and lay out my gym clothes. I do this every night before bed. It’s all those little things that always seem to put me over the edge in the morning. If they are all done it makes the morning more peaceful and smooth. Very worth it.

  3. I go to bed early. Seems like the most simple tip, and it definitely is, but it is 100% the key to a successful early morning routine. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel sluggish and tired no matter what you do in the morning. No amount of coffee can fix that. I always shoot for 6-8 hours of sleep! I do the best with 8 let’s be honest.

  4. I don’t hit snooze. It’s the hardest habit to break but ultimately the most effective in creating a morning routine!! What I didn’t realize is that hitting snooze can actually allow your body to go back into a state of rem sleep, and having your alarm go off while you’re in that state will make you feel twice as confused and exhausted as you would have been if you had gotten up with the first alarm. It helps me to put my phone far enough away from my bed, that I have to actually stand up to turn it off.

  5. I change into my gym clothes right away. There’s nothing that makes me want to skip the gym and stay cozy in bed more than my pjs. So putting on my workout clothes gets me in the mindset of “I’m getting ready to go.”

  6. I drink water, eat a light breakfast, and READ MY BIBLE. The most important step to establishing a healthy morning routine is starting in the word of God. Seeking Him first will never fail to be the right move. If you’re anything like me you wake up with your brain and your heart already going, already anxious, and it’s beyond important to take the time to allow our hearts and minds to rest in Jesus. He reminds us who we are, what we’re living for, and that He is the one in control.

  7. Head off to the gym and crush the rest of the day. If my lunch is already packed from the night before, all I have to do is come home, take a quick shower, grab a smoothie, and I’m out the door for the rest of the day.


And that right there is pretty much it. This is the morning routine that has helped me kick anxiety before the day even starts. Getting my heart right with Jesus and then taking the time to take care of myself before the sun is even fully awake has been so sweet and has allowed me to establish healthy habits without sacrificing rest, family time, a social life, or my blog and time with you guys. It helps me to be the best I can be throughout the day because I have started the day right.

If you guys have any questions or need a little extra support as you establish a healthy morning routine, as always, feel free to reach out!!!! I’m here to be your friend, to make this a community.

I love, love, love you all

Sarah Paige

1 Corinthians 16:13

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”