How to Thrive in Social Isolation

How to Thrive in Social Isolation

How to Thrive in Social Isolation

Well hello everybody!

It’s been SO LONG since I’ve been on here. Let’s just say, 2020 has taken me on quite the journey. This year has been hectic since the week it started and I had to take some time off from all of my social media accounts for a handful of reasons. I will fill you guys in on everything that happened in another blog post, but for now, I’m just really happy to be on here and talking with you guys. I truly missed it.

Since the last time I was on here, our world has entirely changed in ways I never would have imagined. It’s crazy to think back on how different life was just a couple of months ago. I never in a million years thought we would be where we are today, but here we are. Learning how to cope with a global pandemic. Living our lives different than we ever thought we would be. Missing normal life. Missing being together.

It’s been hard for every single one of us, and I know that in our own little ways we are all struggling and questioning every single day.

I for one am on day 19 of quarantine. I’ve been here, in my house, for 19 days. I haven’t even left to go to the grocery store. I leave to go on walks and runs in the neighborhood, and then, I come right back home.

I’ve struggled a lot with anxiety, questioning the future, worrying about my loved ones, stressing about my finances and the list goes on. But, as I get further and further into this time I am finding so much beauty in the quiet. I am realizing how much I needed the rest. How badly I needed to reset my heart. I think I was treading water before all of this happened. I was working so hard and running so fast but I didn’t know where to. I was just doing it because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. This time has caused me to stop. To think about who God made me to be. To decide to be intentional with the life He’s given me.

I’ve come to realize that whether we are in social isolation or not, these days have purpose. They are meaningful. They are absolutely never a waste. We have an opportunity right now to live and make the most of these beautiful lives we’ve been given despite the fact that this is not where we imagined our lives would be.

We have the chance to thrive. Right here. Right now. I made a little list of things I have been doing to live the best I can during these quiet days, and since I know you are in the same boat, I thought I would share them with you. Don’t let my list make you feel pressured, this time is going to be different for absolutely everybody, but maybe there is a little bit of fresh inspiration and motivation in it. Here we go!

This is literally me on some of these quarantine days :)

This is literally me on some of these quarantine days :)

1)    Start with your quiet time.

 Right now, more than ever, it is beyond important to start your day by setting your heart on Jesus. We currently have an onslaught of information from the media that is sure to cause anxiety and stress all day long, we are isolated from the people who normally lift our spirits and help us stay positive, and we are totally out of our normal routine. All of those things put together are the perfect recipe for a huge amount of anxiety, depression, sadness, and every other emotion under the sun.

Starting the day in the Bible, in prayer, and probably with a little worship too will be an absolute game changer. Setting your heart on things above and reminding yourself of our hope in Jesus will set you up for a lot less anxiety and sadness throughout the day. He will remind you that you have purpose and that you are loved.

2)    Make your bed.

I was never a make your bed girl before quarantine. I didn’t see the point of it. But, now that I’ve spent nearly three weeks in my house I’ve realized what an incredibly valuable habit it really is.

First of all, it starts your day off with a little accomplishment. It makes you feel like you did something, which in turn will make you more likely to want to accomplish more.

Second of all, it will make you way less likely to jump right back in bed and spend your entire day there. It’s a really helpful tool to get your day going when you actually have no place to go.

3)    Go outside and get moving.

I can not tell you how much it helps me to go outside in the morning and breathe some fresh air. It kind of reminds me that some things haven’t changed and there is a lot of beauty even though everything seems hard. That little breath of fresh air is a total game changer and mood lifter.

Then get moving. Whatever that looks like for you. It doesn’t have to be a super intense home workout. You don’t have to have huge fitness goals. Just move. Go on a walk outside, stretch, do an online class, go on a run, do some yoga. Whatever it is that you enjoy, get moving. I can not tell you enough how much it will help your mood, lower stress and anxiety, and give you that sense of accomplishment we’re all craving during this downtime.

4)    Do something you love.

And by “something you love” I do not mean Netflix. I mean, I love Netflix. A lot. But I definitely don’t feel like I have lived a full day if Netflix has taken up over half of it.

Do whatever it is that YOU love, not what instagram is telling you that you should do. If you love to read, pick up a book. If you love to create, try something new, paint, draw, whatever it is. If you love to bake, bake everything you’ve wanted to and haven’t had time for. I love to cook and workout, so you’ll find me doing both of those things every single day. This is an amazing opportunity for you to invest in the little things that make you happy. We won’t ever have time like this to invest in our hobbies and little passions again, so take advantage of the opportunity right now.

5)    Reach out to the people, and take care of those around you.

Yes, we have to socially distance. But we most definitely do not have to isolate completely. It is such a huge blessing that we live in the time of FaceTime, Zoom, Instagram, Snapchat, all of it. We have constant opportunities to connect with the people we love and we have to take advantage of that. FaceTime or call somebody you love every single day. Send a text to five different people each day telling them you love them and are thinking about them. Continue to grow your friendships and love on those around you.

Also, don’t forget to keep connecting with your church. Chances are high, that no matter what church you go to, they are doing online services, home groups, and Bible studies. Stay involved and keep fighting to grow your faith. If your home church isn’t doing anything online, reach out to me, I would love to get you connected to mine.

And take care of the people you love. If it’s your family that you are quarantined with, be thoughtful, try to take care of them as much as you can. If you have somebody in your life that you can drop things off to, do it. It’s the little things right now that are making the biggest difference, and taking care of others is the best way to keep us from becoming totally self focused in this time.


Those are my top 5 tips for thriving, even in the midst of social isolation. This time is hard. And it will look totally different for every single person. So know that however you are feeling and dealing with this time is ok. The days that pass with no productivity are still good days. If you never get anything from that list done during this time, you are still useful, needed, and loved. Don’t be defined by your expectations or your to-do list during this time. After all, it is just a season, and we will be looking back on it before long.

I love you guys, if you ever want to chat during this time, or you are feeling lost and overwhelmed by it, I am always here to chat and would love to talk to you! Send me a DM on instagram (@sarahpaigediaries), or even an e-mail ( I love you. I am praying for you. And I know that despite all the craziness, our God is still good and is still in control.

I love, love, love you all

Sarah Paige

1 Corinthians 16:13

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”